Palmer DREI gitarrförstärkare - 9 000:- • Gearloop

Säljes 16 feb Uppsala

Palmer DREI gitarrförstärkare

9 000:-

En unik förstärkare i retrostil.

En kanal, klass A 15W, med dubbla parallella preamps (!) och tre olika uppsättningar av slutrör: EL84, 6V6 och 6L6/EL34. Den 15 watten är STARKA och de tre olika slutrören kan blandas steglöst. Det innebär tre olika förstärkare i en där volymen på var och en kan anpassas och blandas i exakt önskad grad. Suveräna rörljud och ett mycket gediget bygge! Mycket lite använd (har bara stått i studion) och i nyskick.

Sound. It looks like it’s not going to be easy to describe the sound of this Palmer Drei! This amp is trying to be the equivalent of three amps at once, and this doesn’t make the task any easier! Let’s start with a simple test: we set the gain for both the normal and top-boost channels to one third, then we move on to the power stages. It immediately becomes apparent that Palmer has tested its concept right down to the tiniest detail! For the difference in sound between the three power stages is really enormous! Never before have we had the opportunity to change so rapidly from a very brilliant sound straight afterwards to a rather darker, more powerful sound. And these differences don’t come from equalization: each section of the sound spectrum reacts differently from one power stage to another. When we push the preamps a bit more, we see, without the slightest doubt, that Palmer are continuing to go for the single-ended amp: the saturated sounds are rough (especially if there is a lot of distortion), punchy, and pure. Which is both an advantage and a disadvantage at the same time… Some guitarists will find these are the best sounds possible, and they will always use the organic and slightly uncontrollable character of these sounds as a reference. Conversely, other guitarists will far prefer the controls that enable a modern amp to build very ‘finished’ sounds, that let them go right down to the tiniest details. Up to you to choose which category you belong to! Metal enthusiasts won’t be very happy in terms of gain, but for amp connoisseurs, even enthusiasts, the Palmer Drei represents a huge playing field… in a small package! The most staggering thing is not to see how each channel sounds individually (even though each of them has something to impress in itself) – what’s really astounding is when they’re working together! Combining different power stages had never before been made so easy and so effective. You can mix a clear sound with another, slightly saturated, to obtain a powerful yet well-defined sound; or you can wind everything up to max and rock at full pelt. The possibilities are practically unlimited. The combined power of the three power stages is 15 watts – and that comes over markedly louder than one might imagine. For home use, the level is already too high, as most of the Palmer Drei’s sound qualities are found in its power stages – meaning you need to be able to turn them all the way up! Once you reduce their volume, you also noticeably limit the options in terms of distortion. For on-stage use, the Palmer Drei is rather limited. At least, for guitarists used to playing via several channels. On the other hand, purists who have already been playing for a long time on a single-channel amp are certainly going to like the Palmer Drei. So we can predict that the Palmer Drei is going to be most at home in the studio, where all the possibilities, sounds, and functions can be adjusted calmly. But wherever you use it, you won’t be disappointed by the possibilities this amp offers!

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