Säljes 5 mar Göteborg
Studer 961 mixer i pedantskick
80 000:- eller byten
Studer 961.
Otrolig mixer med superkvallitet i nästan nyskick.
Träsidor i orginal, behöver inte skämmas för sig i några sammanhang.
Har stått i svenska Grammofonstudion som fx retur mixer och varit med på remoteinspelningar av världsartister på WOW och Lollapalooza.
Med orginal breakoutbox för direkt out etc.
Alla funktioner funkar. Recappad och fullt genomgången. Garanti 3 månader i Sthlm och Göteborg.
Köparen står för frakt vid garantiärenden på andra ställen.
10 ch med mic,line & eq, 2 kompressorer.
(Mixern förekommer med flera konfigurationer med detta är den som är fullt utbyggd
mic,line & eq på alla kanaler samt breakout box)
Kan levereras utan kostnad till Stockholm.
"If you are looking for a compact yet high quality mixing console, the Studer 961 is an excellent choice!
Studer 961 was made with extremely high quality components for the best sound. The equaliser is very 'musical': it allows changing the frequency response without coloration of the sound. The reliability of the Studer 961 makes it a perfect tool for any recording or broadcast applications.
The design is very minimalist and straightforward but the console has everything one might need for recording, mixing or summing.
Each one of the 10 channel strips consists of:
Mic/line preamp
High pass filter
Switchable three band EQ with two shelves and a bell
Two aux sends
Pan and fader, as well as a pfl option
Master fader consists of two linkable mono channels with a bus compressor/limiter.
The console has been fully recapped:
- Faders cleaned and serviced;
- Potentiometers cleaned and lubricated;
- Fully tested;
Excellent working condition, great visual condition.
PSU operates on 110-220V depending on the fuse installed, currently set to 220V operation. EU power cord included.
We ship worldwide, please ask for a quote for shipping.
Ex VAT price applies if you have a company with a valid EU VAT number or if you're based outside of EU. Non-EU buyer pays the import duty and tax as regulated by their local customs. Private buyer in European Union will be subject to 20% VAT.
Non-EU buyer pays import duty and tax as regulated by your local customs. Contact us for a quote for shipping or any additional information."

Kalle Gustafsson Jerneholm
Medlem sedan 2010