Squid Salmple - 4 000:- • Gearloop

Säljes 11 mar Stockholm

Squid Salmple

4 000:-

Säljer min otroligt kompetenta sampler för eurorack då jag inte använder eurorack så mycket.
Fungerar som den ska. Två USB-stickor med samples följer med. Lite info:

8 independent channels, 4 DC coupled outputs (2 channels per out) and a mix output (ac coupled)
1 mono record input handling both CV and audio input signal from line to modular level.
Each channel has approx 11 seconds of 16 bit / 44.1Khz CD quality sample time stored in low latency RAM.
Each channel can have various parameters edited all in real time; bit depth, rate, playback speed, pitch , amplitude level with a simple envelope, looping with crossfade, playback direction, start, end and loop ‘cue’ positions, multiple cue groups and more.
Each channel features a basic digital multimode filter offering a high, low, notch or bandpass mode with resonance
Three CV inputs allow for CV control to be assigned to any & multiple parameters and filters. Channels 6, 7 & 8 have dedicate 1v/oct input for control of pitch (expect crunchy aliasing!).
Sample record and channel destination can be controlled either by automated patching or manually via UI controls.
Save and load samples to USB keys as regular Wav format files arranged in quick-to-use banks of 8 (Up to 99 per key).
Free desktop software for sample bank creation.
Skiff friendly with reverse power protection.

Nypris: 6 000 kr

Kan testas på plats eller skickas mot frakt.


Jonathan Lennerbrant


Medlem sedan 2014

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Skick: Perfekt
Visningar: 101
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