Malekko Varigate 8 + - 3 900:- • Gearloop

Säljes 12 mar Stockholm

Malekko Varigate 8 +

3 900:-

Säljer en Malekko Varigate 8+ som är sparmsamt använd och fint skick.

Inga byten är intressanta, bilder finns vid behov.

"VARIGATE 8+ is designed to be the ultimate compact sequencer and control station over an entire Eurorack modular system. Create songs and live performance material with 8 channels of gate outputs with up to 16 steps per channel, 2 independent CV outputs for custom scale quantization, easy recall of 10 storage banks and 100 channel presets, random functions, mute functions and so much more!

Master save/recall/transport control of multiple VOLTAGE BLOCK, QUAD LFO, QUAD ENVELOPE, QUAD VCA, VARIGATE 4+, and other VARIGATE 8+ modules!

Features include:

* 8 channels of gates, each with up to 16-steps
* 2 quantized 1v/oct CV channels
* CV channels can be independent or linked to any gate channel
* Save up to 100 presets
* 10 different song banks programmable by choosing any sequence of presets
* Programmable scale per bank
* Note and Glide per step
* Forward, Reverse, Pendulum and Random directions per channel
* Probability, Repeat, Delay and Pulsewidth control per channel
* Individual clock multiplier, divider and sequence length per channel
* Random gate input for applying variation to a pattern
* All per step parameters can be randomized within a given range
* Program gate channels with both sliders and buttons
* Mute function (mute a channel or pattern)
* Freeze gate input turns random sequences into static sequences while active
* Reset input
* Clear function for clearing channels and parameters
* Tempo control knob
* Clock in and Out





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