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Source Audio Ventris Dual Reverb (SÅLD)
2 700:-
Jeg sælger denne super dual reverb som jeg desværre ikke mere har plads til i mit lille mobile setup. Jeg kan varmt anbefale denne fantastiske klangmaskine med to fuldt programmerbare reverb engines.
(Nypris: 5.500 kr.)
Se nærmere her:
“This Reverb pedal is phenomenal the features are simple but extensive giving you access to every aspect of any reverb effect then having 2 reverb engines doubles its capabilities where you can manipulate each individually. Then with the software editor you can program your own presets up to and import them into the pedal up to 4 dual presets as well as the ones present on the pedal. So alround you are not missing anything if you are looking for a reverb pedal.”
* 12 internal reverb engines
* Additional Engines accessible online via Neuro App or Desktop Editor
* 2 identical 56-bit signal processors
* Allows simultaneous use of 2 reverb engines
* 8 presets accessible via controller interface
* S120 more available via MIDI
* Seamless, unlimited spillover of reverb trails when switching to another engine
* Controls for time, pre-delay, treble, control 1, control 2 and mix
* 12-way rotary switch for selecting the reverb engine
* A / A + B / B toggle switch to select between the two processors / 2 different reverbs
* Preset bank select button
* On / Off footswitch
* Footswitch option (programmable with tap tempo, reverb hold or A / B processor select.
* Front-sided control input select button
* Front-side EXP input select switch (switch / pedal in / EXP)

Chistian A.
Medlem sedan 2020